Everything Gaming Gear

Get the gear and settings used by the best gamers, streamers, and esports pros

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Search, filter, and sort over hundred's of players, teams, and games to find everything players use, including gear, settings & keybinds, pc setups, images of their setup, tournament earnings and more.

Find the most popular mice, keyboards, headsets, microphones, pc parts, and more from popular brands like Logitech and Corsair. See who uses them, and how they stack up to similar products in their category.

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Not sure which keyboard to buy? Can't decide what mouse will benefit you the most in an FPS vs MOBA? The gear recommender will show you the best gear based on your preferences, not opinions.

Get inspiration for your gaming setup with amazing battlestations, and check out the gear used tagged right on the images.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Armory different from similar sites? was created to be the best way to help you find out what gear your favorite gamers use, and provide a wealth of information about the gamers and the gear.

What makes this site different is the ability for you to check the validity of the information on this site for yourself. Most sites have out of date or mistaken information and no way for you to know. With the proof links and upvote/downvote system on all profiles, you can tell whether the information is correct or has changed since it was added, and then upvote or downvote accordingly. This ensures that you always know if the information is correct, and allows us to react quickly and keep the large amount of info on the site up to date. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to reach out via email ([email protected]) or Armory Twitter.

How do I know the information is accurate?

Unlike other sites, every piece of gear and every pc component added to a profile on has a piece of proof linked to it in order to ensure that the information is accurate. This can come from videos or photos where the gear is visible, or from information provided from the person themselves on their social profiles or chat bots.

Also, you have the ability to view the proof yourself and upvote/dowvote the accuracy to help us ensure the information is always up to date.

What if I see something that is incorrect/missing?

On profile setup pages, you can click the "Leave Feedback" button to leave feedback on anything you want. Otherwise, feel free to send a message on Twitter.